Oh where to begin! First, I must start off by saying that we loved our time with our little tiny baby Donovan but our 2 month old Donovan is so much fun!!! Little babies are cute and cuddly but we are really enjoying the older Donovan that smiles and coo's up a storm. I remember reading the baby books that said he would start smiling at me around 6 weeks and thinking "Smiling at me? I can't even get him to look at me!". It seemed like overnight around 6 and a half weeks he was making great eye contact and smiling at me like I was the best thing he has ever seen. Words cannot express how wonderful it is to see your son smiling at you. I am pretty sure if we could bottle it, it could cure cancer or at minimum create world peace.
Donovan seems to love his changing table for some reason. He just gets on there and kicks, kicks, kicks and smiles like crazy. Even if he is crabby you can pretty much count on him calming down, if not smiling. We spend many a minute after changing his diaper just talking and tickling him up on the table. He loves it! We have also discovered that our son seems to be a bit of an exhibitionist. He loves naked time and crabs when we put clothes on him. He rarely pees on us now when he is naked so it makes appeasing him with some sans-clothes time much easier.
Vocally, Donovan has definitely found his voice and likes to talk to us, his play mat and our windows everyday. He also has altered his cry from when he was a baby, which is unfortunate for him as it is so cute now, that Tom and I let him cry more than we used to so we can giggle at his faces and imitate his sounds. Poor baby. He has also found his hands and often sucks on them when he can't get to his milk supply fast enough. I am hoping he starts to use them to soothe himself to sleep so we can knock it off with the binky since finding his hands at night will be much easier than finding the binky and putting it back in himself. He currently has his third hickey on his hand from sucking on his fist a few days ago. Watch out ladies, he is getting good at this!
One of the nicest things (other than the rewarding smiles) about him getting older is that we pretty much have a pattern down with our days. I hesitate to say "schedule" as the times of our naps/eating/happy times changes daily but we now know what to expect when in the order of things. It goes- wake up, eat, happy time (in which he is alert and awake and can often be put on the mat or in the jumperoo), then crabby time which signals the need for a nap, and then nap time. Lather, rinse, repeat. So our day consists of that pattern until we got to sleep which is anywhere from 8:15pm to 11:30pm depending on the day. It is so nice that he has that pattern now as it helps me to anticipate his needs and we have less and less crying time as a result. God help you if you try to put him on his play mat after waking but before eating though. We (tom) made that mistake yesterday and we got some big ol' crocodile tears, streaming down both sides of his face. Which brings me to another point, homeboy knows how to look pathetic and make you feel like a jerk when he wants to. Just today I took him to Babies R Us and on the way home he was pitching a fit. I could see him in the mirror, screaming, shaking his head from side to side, red faced, tears streaming down his cheeks and hands in tight fists. All I could think of was the lyrics of "American Pie" when Don McLean sings "His hands were clenched in fists of rage", which summed up Donovan exactly. I felt so bad for him!
Donovan isn't really stretching out his feedings like he should be but the doctor said it was probably due to growth spurt so hopefully that will change soon. He loves loves loves his bath time now, which is nice as we often use it to calm him down when he is fussy. It is so funny, he kicks the whole time but when you wash his face he keeps his eyes wide open and kicks like he is riding a bicycle. Too cute. On a poop note, in the last few days especially he is only pooping in a few of his diapers a day so you don't have to wipe his booty near as much. But when he does poop, you better watch out! It's a doosy. I mentioned in his dr's report how Donovan is standing/supporting his weight so much more. Well that has continued and at many of our burpings, he is standing, leaning against my chest as I try to burp him. Little man is so strong and growing up so fast! He is going to be walking before long!
I think that is most of the major updates from this past month. I am loving how much he grows everyday and I just can't wait to see where every week takes us. Where has the time gone?