Stats from the 2 year well visit:
Weight: 29 1/2 lbs- 69th %
Height: 34 3/4 inches- 61st%
Head circumference: 20inches- 93rd%
Our two year appointment went well, and what I mean by that is it went exactly as I expected. Donovan behaved well until they asked him to step on the scale, and for those that don't know this is the first thing they ask you to do at the Dr's, so the remaining time was me trying to wrangle a 2 year old who was convinced he was being tortured to death and he wanted everyone to know. So I am taking both the height and head circumference with a grain of salt as we had a hard time keeping him still enough to get an accurate measurement. The doctor had no concerns for Dono and aside from his little eczema patches I really had no concerns for him either. He had to get two shots and I knew this so I promised him a chocolate shake after we were done. Poor kid thought the lady coming in to give him the shots was bringing in his chocolate shake. Rude reality. He did well considering everything with the shots, was pumped that he got some Thomas the train stickers and was happy as a clam after we got his chocolate shake. All in all, a success.
On to other reviews about what our 2 year old is doing now:
Talking: Donovan is talking up a storm. A few months ago we estimated he had somewhere around 175-200 words and now it seems like he has at least 50% more than that and he is saying short sentences. Some of his favorites are "I caught it!", "I did it!", "I got it!", "I see you.", "I get the (insert word here)", "I fick(fix) it", "Oh my goodness" (adorable), "Hit the ball", "Swing the bat" and his personal favorite and one that we cringe at every time, "Oh my God!". No one is taking credit for teaching him that last one and he says it a lot. Every time he says it we correct him and say "oh my goodness" but he doesn't care. Just today he started saying "Oh my gosh!" which is a much better choice so we are encouraging that. Another thing he says that we all love is "Hmmmmmmm, less-see (let's see)". He does this when he is looking for something and it is adorable as well. It is so nice that his vocab has gotten so great because it definitely lessens his frustration level. And most of his words are getting clearer as well so we can almost understand everything he says. Life with a talker you can understand is much better.
Smarts: As we said before he knows all his ABC's (although G and J he occasionally still messes up), and numbers 1-10. He counts on his own but now skips 3 and 4. I guess he wanted 4 to have a friend to be left out with. His favorite number is 2, he wants two of everything and he usually correctly counts 2 things. When it is more then two, it is five according to Donovan counting. So you either have two things, or five things. He also still insists on double fisting everything so if you give him one cookie, be prepared to give him two unless you want him to throw a fit. If you do not have 2 cookies he will accept you breaking the one cooking into two. Just please let both hands have the same thing. We can't have them getting jealous of each other.
Colors are a different story. For a while everything was red, then everything was blue and now they are usually either or. Some days he hands you a green and yellow car and tells you as such, but then you will ask him later and he says "red". Then he will point out a orange balloon, a pink crayon, a white ball but then you ask again later and he says "blue" to all three. So he has to be in the mood and be the one to bring it up to you, otherwise the colors are all off. Shapes he does pretty well with. He knows circle, triangle, square and oval. He had jelly beans with his friend Ian the other day for the first time and he asked for more saying "More oval". He has yet to repeat his pee pee performance and will barely sit on the toilet anymore. I think we need to take the batteries out because he always points to it and says "Noise". Once that is disabled he may be more willing to put his naked butt back on there.
Favorites: Donovan is still a hockey fan, but the hysteria has died down and he is now a baseball fanatic. He says "Bye, bye Carnals (cardinals)" to our garage as we pull out of the driveway as his daddy has several cardinals posters. He roots them on with fist pumps and "Go, go Carnals" as well. He requests to watch the games and loves to swing the bat and hit the ball. He has a tee downstairs that he uses but sometimes he prefers to throw the ball up to himself and swing. He also likes you to pitch the ball to him and shockingly, he hits it about 30-50% of the time (same with him pitching it up to himself). Crazy kid. He is also still very much into cars, trains and airplanes. He likes Sesame Street but loooooooooves Mickey Mouse clubhouse and requests it often. He was in a Veggie Tales phase a few weeks back but "Bob" as he calls them have taken a back seat to Mickey. He is also very much into birthdays still and often sings the song randomly. He also still prefers the company of his Auntie Jenna and his Bammie Q to most other people. Not that I can blame him, they are pretty cool ladies. He also loves hanging out with his "buddies" across the street, and somedays, I swear we are there more than we are at our own house.
Eats: As far as foods, he loves fries, ice cream, cake, "mama juice" (Gatorade), milk and crackers and would live on a diet strictly of those things if it were up to him. But it's not so he also eats black beans, green beans, mac and cheese, chicken, cottage cheese, shredded cheese, berries (black, blue, straw and rasp), cheerios, peppers, beans and wienies, toast, waffles, eggs and more. Overall I can't complain. He is an ok breakfast eater, lunch is pretty much non-existent and a good dinner and dessert eater. My parents brought a step-stool big boy chair for him to sit in at the table when they visited 2 weeks ago and ever since then, that is where he eats the majority of his meals.
Sleep: Donovan usually gets up anywhere from 8:15 to 9, takes an hour and a half to 2 hour nap around 1 or 2pm and usually is in bed anywhere from 8:45-9:15 depending on the night. Of course no day is ever the same so some days he's up at 7:10 (ahem, like today), takes an hour 40 min nap, is in bed at 8:35 and doesn't fall asleep until 9:20. He usually talks himself to sleep and wakes up talking to himself too. He loves his crib so until the baby needs to kick him out he won't be moving to his big boy bed. (knock on wood) He has yet to climb out of his crib either and he has plenty of things he could stack to make a step where it would be an easy feat. Usually in the mornings, I go in to get him but he wants to still hang in the crib so I get my juice (Gatorade) and sometimes bring my computer and sit in the glider and rock and just talk to my little man until he is ready to get out. He often requests books to read in the crib, or he wants to throw his multiple guys at me, or he wants Petey in the bed so he can pet him. "Tee tee bed" as he pats his bed. Petey has recently given up on life/decided it's better to let Donovan get his pets out and is actually pretty good about it. He doesn't run away when Donovan is trying to get him and lets Donovan hug and pet all over him. On occasion Tom and I will bring Dono into our bed when we think he is up too early and might go back to be if he is snuggling with us. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but when it does, I am in heaven.
Sacked out in mommy and daddy's bed. (Mommy had just snuck out).
Other stats:
Diaper size: 5 (Luvs for days, Huggies overnights for naps and night-time)
Shoes size: some 6's but mostly 7's now
Clothes sizes: 24 months-2T depending on the brand
I am sure I am forgetting something I wanted to mention. I know this is long but it is how I record what we are up to so most of this is mostly for me, and the grandparents of course. For everyone else who stuck with this whole post, God bless! You are a trooper and Donovan thanks you for being that interested in his life.
Daddy and Dono. Dono had a wipeout yesterday and got an owie on his cheek.