Monday, April 27, 2009

Somebody had an accident

Take a look at Auntie Jenna's shorts.

Closer look.

Another angle.

And the culprit is.....

Jenna was holding Donovan on her lap last night and felt something "warm". This was the result of a leaky diaper. And since Donovan does not discriminate, he later peed on his daddy. Such a nice young man to spread the love.


  1. Ellen and Tom.................Congratulations!!
    Michelle was right. He is just beautiful!!! I wouldn't have expected anything less from the two of you. It sure sounds like everything is going great. Keep up the good work. Someday I'll see him in person.
    Brenda Duepner

  2. He's so precious Ellen, congratulations! Welcome to little boys. I am so excited for you, I love little boys.
