At one month old, Donovan is doing a better job of stretching out his feedings, especially at night. He usually eats every 2-4 hours: during the day he usually goes 2-3 hours apart and at night he goes 3-4 so that is nice that he is giving me more time to sleep at night. He also is pretty good at knowing his night from day and just eating and going right back to sleep at night, instead of staying awake like he does sometimes in the morning. His alert/happy time is usually in the morning anywhere from 9-12pm, which is of course my favorite Donovan time. This is the time that he spends looking around, usually at lights or windows/skylights and is also when he doesn't mind (aka does not scream) if I put him down on the play mat so I can take a shower or brush my teeth or shovel some food in. He is adorable when he is just looking all around, talking to himself and making silly faces (as seen in one of my previous posts). When he talks he sometimes does this noise that sounds like a belt is slipping on a car, thus he has earned himself the nickname "squeaker".
He is also doing excellent with his neck control. As of today he can pretty much hold his head up on his own. He has also graduated out of the newborn diapers today, which in truth should have probably happened several days ago but we were trying to use them up. He made that easy for us as he peed/pood out of at least 2 diapers a day lately just to drive home the fact that they were too little for him. How they grow so fast!
Right now he hates his swing and bouncer and no longer stays asleep in the carseat when we get home from trips out. He is still very needy as far as being held. He wants to be held pretty much all the time, which makes it hard for me to do ANYTHING during the day when I am home alone with him. It is fun to cuddle with him though so I shouldn't complain too much. He is doing a little better at sleeping in his bassinet or pack n' play. He does have to be dead asleep though before we put him down so he generally sleeps half the night in his bassinet and half in bed with me and Tom. So we are making slow progress.
All in all we have been so blessed with Donovan and this first month in some ways felt like it flew by but in other ways it feels like he has been with us forever. It seems like delivery was years ago but then again this lack of sleep has pretty much ruined my short-term memory so I really don't have any concept of when things happen. One thing I do know is that we are completely in love with him and we can't wait to see what this next month brings us! I love you Dono!
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