He also loves the laptop computer. He puts his little hands on the keyboard and mouse and just hits away. Today he managed to somehow change the background of our computer and typed "C" in the search field. I think he was trying to search for "Christmas gifts for mommy" but then realized he didn't want to spoil the surprise. His interest in the computer really comes in handy as I use it to help him practice his sitting since he really has no interest in it otherwise unless there is something that is distracting him. Unfortunately for me, the computer is also a distractor when I am using it while he is eating. I usually try to catch up on my interneting while he is eating, however recently he eats for a little while, then pops off and turns his head 180 degrees so that he can stare at the computer screen for a few seconds. Then when he tires of that he turns back over for a few more drinks, then back off and looking at the computer. This usually goes on until I either turn the computer off (at which time he usually watches the TV) or he gets his fill of the computer and begins to eat again. The funny thing is when he is looking at the computer, if I try to turn his head back to me and make him realize that we are in the middle of eating, he resists so strongly that I barely even budge his head at all. All I can do is giggle at him and his stubborn self.
Donovan also would like to eat/play with remote controls just to round out his technology obsession. Here is to hoping we are raising the next Bill Gates!
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