Oh what a big boy we have on our hands! This month has been one of great change, big boy style. There is lots to talk about so lets discuss!
Eating: Donovan has decided that baby food is for babies and he is a big boy. A.k.a. he will no longer eat it. You come at him with a spoonful of baby food and he either turns his head, rubs his eyes and pretends to be tired or tries to push the food away all while whining in disapproval. Then if you do happen to get a spoon full in he will probably spit it out and then grab it and smear it all over something (the table, his hair, the highchair). Lovely. The lack of baby food eating would be no problem except for this is really the only way that he eats fruit or veggies other than green beans. He has tried other veggie finger foods but green beans are the only one he really goes to town on. As far as fruit goes we have tried many (raspberries, watermelon, banana, pineapple, pear, grapes, apples, peaches and I am sure a few others) but he rarely even picks them up to get them close to his mouth. This is the same kid that I had to dig a dead fly out of his mouth today who then acts as if you are torturing him if you try to put a peach in it. I don't get it. So we will keep trying different fruits and veggies, then retrying them again and again until he decides he wants to eat them. About once a day we still try a jar of baby food and sometimes we get some in and sometimes we don't. The rest is all big people food now. For breakfast he usually eats one tub of yogurt and a grain, like cheerios, toast or a waffle (and there is fruit offered but never touched). Then for lunch American cheese, green beans, apple sauce and some sort of pasta and meat combo and usually another fruit offered. Same thing for dinner. We are still doing three 6 oz bottles of formula a day and then one 8 oz right before bed so maybe he is just not hungry enough to try the fruits and we are giving him too much formula. I don't know, just a theory. Hopefully the pediatrician will give us some guidance next month on what to do with our choosy eater.
Donovan at lunch today.
Big boy things: I am happy to report that Donovan is now holding his own bottle! Well, most of the time. Sometimes he lets it droop so he is not getting the milk and then when I help him increase his angle he takes his hands away real fast so that I can hold his bottle and he can play with whatever his little heart desires. Stinker. Also he is holding and using his own sippy cup like a champ. With the no-spill valves in them might I add so life is looking up.
Walking: No news there. He still prefers to crawl and cruise. He is very fast at it so I think he sees no reason to start something new that he has to struggle with. He took 4 steps in a row last night but that was his best try to date. He has actually gotten a little clingy-er lately and wants you to pick him up and carry him places a lot more. He now gets onto his knees and the bounces up and down while flapping his arms and whining to you until you pick him up. Then if you don't you see this...
Sleeping: That is getting a little better still. He still has nights where he wakes up and screams and needs to be comforted but they are getting less and less. This past weekend we visited my cousins in Chicago and we borrowed their sound machine during his naps on Sat and he slept really great in his pack and play which is not like he usually does so we might be picking one of those up for Grammie's house so we can try to get him to sleep better there. He has also started waking up for his first feeding later and later, even 8 a few times last week which meant he just wanted to stay awake and start his day then. Overall, no complaints in the sleeping department.
Talking: Still no "mom" or "mama" but he is now saying "bob" and "baba". So very close but no cigar. Oh well, maybe he is saving it for his birthday to surprise me or something. He says "hi" a lot too but I don't think he has any clue what he is saying. Even though he doesn't have many official words, man does this kid talk. And more than that, he talks at a very high volume level most of the time. If you have ever seen Will Ferrell's skit from SNL's weekend update when he cannot control the volume of his voice then you will know what I am talking about.
New business: One of Donovan's new favorite things to do is to throw things off of or into places. For example in my bathtub at this exact moment is a binky, several q-tips, a baby car toy, a cup, a lotion tube, a mud bath tube, and empty bottle of shampoo and a can of hairspray. He loves to throw stuff in the tub, then stand on his tippy toes and look into the tub at everything he has thrown there. Same thing off of his highchair. Throws food off and then looks over at it to see where it is/if Petey is getting it. Not too bad if we are here but at a restaurant, it can get annoying. He also throws his toys or his sippy cup whenever he is done with them. Usually it is thrown to his right in the highchair or his car seat so Tom may have to give up the dream of having a left handed pitcher for a son. He also loves, and I mean LOVES his tag blanket that my mom gave him. It has definitely become a security blanket for him and I am fine with that since it helps to calm him lots of times. He is also really into these 4 cars that Tom bought him. They are about the size of an apple and he spends tons of time batting them around, watching them roll, chasing after them then repeating the whole process. And on the other toy spectrum, he is really into stuffed animals again. Just hugs them and rubs his face in them. So cute. And last but not least one thing he is currently into and I am loving, is reading. He will be playing and then he will be quiet and I look down and he is flipping through a book. He loves it when we read to him too. His current favorites are "Are you my mother?", "Moo, baa, la la la" and this huge 100+ animal picture book. And the cutest thing is, is when you imitate animal sounds he smiles but when you meow like a cat he giggles! He things meowing is so funny! Another random thing he thinks is funny is sneezing. Makes him smile when he does it every time.
Well I think that is most of what I wanted to talk about for this month. Here are some more pictures of my little man. I love him so much!
Playing with his (2nd) cousin Claire up in Chicago this weekend. (That's her behind the hair)
Enjoying the beautiful weather outside today. And eating leaves of course. Too bad leaves don't taste like pineapple. He'd never eat them then.
Hope you all enjoyed the update! Watch out 12 months, here we come :)
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