Then he decided to play with Petey's food. He picked up the bowl, and carried it around for a while. Then he poured it over his head onto the ground and the bench. Then after I picked up some of the food and put it back in, he tried to drink the food. Got two pieces in too. (I fished them out).
I love the look on his face in this one
Petey: "Ummm, es-cuse me brudder... I beweieve you have my food." (they call each other "brudders" in case you didn't know)
Then later (which I did not get a picture of) Donovan decided to pick up Petey's water bowl and drink out of it. He then spilled most of it on the floor (tile) so I went over and tried to wipe it all up before he slipped on it and hurt himself. As I was wiping he was swishing it all around the floor with his hands. Then he crouched down and started LAPING THE WATER OFF THE FLOOR! Does he think he is a dog? Do we not give him enough to drink (answer: we do. He has a sippy of water at his reach constantly). I think it must be a boy thing/phase. One of my co-workers has a son 2 months younger than Donovan and she says he tries to drink out of everything. One time they were outside and she heard slurping and she turned to see her son lapping up water from a puddle! Boys are so gross!
ugh. please don't tell me that its a "boy thing" and I have that in my future.