Today and last Sunday we went swimming with our friends Maria and Claire. Unfortunately neither day did we take a single picture, we were just having too much fun! Claire is 4 months older than Donovan so they get along great, for the most part. If Donovan is doing something Claire wants to do or has a toy she wants then, not so much on the getting along. Donovan is clueless but Claire gets mad. Other than those few times we really do love our hang outs with Maria and Claire. Last week only Dono and I met the two ladies at the pool. Our Tom took a rain check last week and their Tom had to work. But today our Tom joined us (their Tom was working again) and we had a fabulous time splashing and swimming and visiting. Last week Donovan was a little cautious at first but today I had to grab him before he walked right into the pool with his shoes still on and sippy cup in hand. His favorite thing to do was go up and down the stairs on this play area in the pool. The play area has four holes in the ground where water shoots out in a fountain, and there is a lever that you can turn to control how much water is coming out. So he would play in that, putting his face or butt right over a spout of water, and then go down the stairs. Then he would go up the stairs. Then down, up, down, up, play, down, up... I think he must have gotten quite the quad workout because he probably went up and down the stairs about 40 times. I thought he needed a break from that after a while (ok, I needed the break) so we went in the lazy river twice while he yelled at me the whole time and nothing else we did he liked so back to the stairs we went but he was still mad so we went inside where we were all happy again and Dono went down the slide three times and liked it! (severe run on sentence alert) He did a better job today of not inhaling the water when he would go under on accident. Every time he did it we would lift him up and he would catch his breath and go on about his day.
Both days after the pool we had dinner with Maria and Clair and more playtime, first at our house and then today at theirs where Tom O. got to join us for pizza and playing. It is funny to see the difference in the two kiddos. Claire can say a lot more words than Donovan (although he is doing well for himself) but Donovan is much more of a brute than she is. Donovan invented this game where he would climb over the side of Claire's little sofa chair, headfirst, and slide onto the ground. After Claire got over her initial annoyance that Donovan was using her chair, she decided she wanted to join in on the game, so she started launching herself over the arm of the chair, head first. It kept them busy for about 10 minutes. Too silly.
In other news I don't think I realized just how much of a boy Donovan is until yesterday. We had some friends over for a b-b-q last night so we went to the grocery store to get some food in the afternoon. Donovan was being a real joy, yelling at the top of his lungs whenever Tom or I would walk too far away from him. Then when we were going to check out he kept pointing and yelling "truck!" (it sounds more like "truck" then "guck" now but picture it being said by a Russian or someone from that part of the world). I could not figure out what he was talking about so I kept trying to put him down so he could show me but he kept holding his legs up so I couldn't put him down when I tried so instead I just held him and kept walking around trying to figure out what he kept calling a truck. Finally he got frustrated enough that he said "dow" (down) and then he ran about 8 isles over where there was a blow up mini school bus. He stood in front of that thing, pointed and yelled "truck" like "here you idiot! I told you". He was not too happy when I wouldn't get it down for him so he could play with it but it was a display hanging from the ceiling so the kid's gotta get used to some disappointment. I did tell myself later that if it is still hanging up next time I go there I will ask them what they do with it after that promotion is over and if the answer is "throw it away" I will put on my "pretty please" eyes and ask if they will give it to me when that time comes. Then as we were leaving Donovan saw the carts that have the cars kids can ride in attached to them and he ran and played with one until he demanded "up" enough times that I relented and put him in one. Then I became one of those parents that the cart retriever people hate because I then proceeded to push Donovan out to our car in the empty car cart just to make him happy. Sorry cart retriever people. Had I realized just how obsessed our child was with cars and trucks before we went shopping I would have made sure to get a cart with a car but I didn't realize we had a monster on our hands till the bus and cart incidents made it blaringly obvious. He is such a boy and I love it.
Oh and also I did become that mom in Target the other day too. We (stupidly) went in the toy isle so I could see if this one toy was on sale and Donovan of course spotted a "truck" that he thew a fit about when I walked two feet away from it without giving it to him. So as to not make the other shoppers hate me, I gave him the truck he was lusting after right about the same time I spotted the 20$ price tag. I did not want to spend 20$ on this truck I didn't think was all that special but he had to have it then and there. What is a mother to do, you can't reason with a 16 month old. So a few minutes and a few isles later Donovan was craned around looking at something and I tool the opportunity to see how much he really needed that truck. While his head was turned the other way I slipped the toy on the doll end cap, nowhere near where I got it. Sure enough, Donovan didn't notice one bit. If he had I would have bought it but he didn't so sorry Target employees. I became that mom that puts the toys back where they clearly do not belong. And I have no shame.