Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fun Saturday

On Saturday we took advantage of the free mornings at the Missouri Botanical Gardens with our friends John, Emily and Donovan's best friend, Ian. Donovan was pretty crabby at first until we figured out he was just hungry. After eating though he was a happy boy! Here are some of the pics we snapped of our day.

The boys hanging out in a wagon. Notice Donovan's new Card's hat. We lost the old one. Oops.

All this cool stuff to look at and play with and Donovan goes straight to the mulch.
Donovan was not having any of us trying to get him to walk up this bridge. I caught Tom scolding me for taking pictures while Dono was fussy though!
They have this cute splash area for kids in the kids section. Donovan took a LONG time to warm up to the idea but Ian was a hoot! He just jumped right in and got soaked immediately. That's him in the background. Donovan just observing.
"I think I like this. But I am not sure just yet."
Ian man having a blast!
This was a pump that you had to push down in order for it to pump water out. Donovan watched and helped the big kids at first.
Then he tried it out for himself. With no success. Even on his tippy toes he wasn't tall enough to get leverage on the top and push it down. That's where the parents came in.
This is the best picture! You have to click on it to enlarge it and look at Ian's face! The water would shoot at random intervals and he was looking at the hole where the water shoots out when guess what... it shot out and got him square in the face. He loved it! No tears for that kid. And us parents all got a good laugh out of it.
By the time the boys were done playing Ian's pants were past his knees. Even after they got squeezed out a few times.
Soggy bottom boy.
Donovan finally deciding to take Ian's lead and get all wet.
I have this idea that as long as this wagon is there we should take a picture of the boys in it together every summer to see how they grow. Here is the picture for year one. Look at those little guys!
Best friends!

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is so stinking cute. Looks like a fun morning!
