Thursday, October 28, 2010

What could evoke such a response?

First the pictures. Then the answer.

Answer: Mommy was taking too long to heat up more buffalo chicken dip. Yeah that's right, I said BUFFALO CHICKEN DIP! Turns out if you give your child something that you are sure they will not like just because they are begging for it, you should be prepared just in case they decide it is the best thing they have ever tasted. I gave him a tiny amount on a chip at first because I thought he would hate it but he ate the dip, left the chip and started furiously signing "more". So I gave him more on another chip and it was devoured in less than a minute. Then I took one of the empty chips he already had and put more dip on it. From then on he would eat the dip, and then hand me his empty chip for a refill. At one point the chip he was handing back for more was the size of a dime. Who knew an 18 month old would like something so spicy? If it weren't for his blond hair and blue eyes, I would swear he was part Mexican.

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