Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Things Donovan is doing right now

There are lots of things that Donovan has done or said or is still doing and saying right now that I want to remember because it makes me happy. Here are some:

~Donovan insists on being "tuck-tuck"ed in before naps and night time. You have to put the blanket over him, tuck the blanket around his body (green side UP please) and say "tuck tuck tuck" repeatedly until he is satisfied. He also needs all of his guys up by his head and his monogrammed Donovan pillow must be Donovan side down. Also the milk sippy must be placed in the corner of the bed when you sneak it in there in the morning.

~Donovan appreciates a good scratch. He often request "cratch the belly" or "more cratch the back". He especially loves his belly button scratched. I know. Weird. Apparently there has been enough times when I scratch him and then ask "Does that feel nice?" because now every time I scratch him he looks at me and whispers "Feels nice" in the tiniest of voices, even when I don't ask.

~When you sneeze he blesses you. Multiple times. As in D:"Bless you mama." M:"Thanks Donovan" times 10.

~He also says "Cuze (excuse) me mama" as he slides by me or when he burps "Cuze me".

~He is peeing on the potty at least once a day and sometimes as much as 4 times per day for the past couple weeks. Once we even had a poop on the potty by accident. (He pushed his pee out too hard and got a bonus). When he does go potty on the big boy potty he will often look at me directly after he does it, lean over to me with his arms out and say "Proud of you" as he waits for my hug and my enthusiastic compliments which always include me telling him how proud I am of him. I said it so much he knows what's coming.

~He has no interest in sleeping in the big boy bed. He insists on "read a book in the big boy room" before every nap and nighttime, but when asked if he wants to sleep there he says "No! Sleep in the crib!" Looks like Reese might have a bed mate (not really).

~Instead of just saying no to us, he now says "No way Jose!" and if not that, at least "No way!". Me:Donovan do you want to eat some macaroni for dinner?" D: "No way Jose!"

~He is very into poop. Wants to see his own. Repeatedly. I often have to unwrap the dirty diapers so he can get a 5th look. And he wants to see Reese's too.

~He has heard me and Tom say "Sounds good" to enough stuff that he has begun to say it himself. Tom's mom asked him if he wanted some of her fruit crisp the other day and he said "Ok. Sounds good."

~He has also heard us ask "how are you doing?" and so now he asks it too...to the dog. D:"How you Petey? How you? Awwwwwww. (he actually says "awwwww" as he pets Petey). Pet Pet Petey."

~When he pretends to play on our old cell phones, he always want to call his Aunt Jenna.

~He has added the phrase "I need mo (more)...." to his vocabulary. The other night at 9pm he was stalling before bed and climbed up into his chair at the dinner table and said "I need mo dinner! I need mo dinner!" Then he went to bed asking for a "pah-tart" (poptart) which he is very fond of right now. We didn't give in. Then that night at 2:38am we hear him wake up with a blood curdling scream followed by screeching of "I NEED MO PAH-TART!!!!!! I NEED MO PAH-TART". Tom went in and calmed him down and convinced him that it was still nighttime and he did not, indeed, need a poptart.

~Donovan has a favorite commercial that is played while the cardinals games are on repeatedly. It is one where a guy is dancing with a flash mob but he is the only one dancing because he got there too early. The guy does this shuffle backwards across the floor and waves his arms in front of him as he does it. And so does Donovan. There is a second favorite commercial that has the lyrics of "Uh oh, sho did" in a rap song and Donovan sings "Sho did!" every time it comes on.

~He loves to dance and "shake-a da booty! shake-a da booty!"

~Whenever you go somewhere out of his sight he will often follow you saying "Dono"s comin! Dono's comin too!"

~When he can't find something he calls for it, inanimate or not. "Where are you Petey?" and "Where are you football?".

~A few weeks ago Donovan and I were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast and Reese was in the bouncer in the middle of the family room. She was cooing and talking and Donovan looks at me and says "Reese's talkin". Me: "Reese is talking?" D: (matter of factly) "Talkin to Dono". Me: "She's talking to Dono, huh?" D: (stands up on his stool step and looks over the couch til he can see Reese and address her personally) "Eatin a muffin Reese! Eatin a muffin Reese!" Oh good Donovan. She was wondering why you weren't responding appropriately to her questions.

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