Sleep: Is Reese 4 months old or 4 days old? Sometimes I think the girl forgets. For instance, Saturday night she ate at 7:40, then went to sleep probably around 10, was back up for a feeding at 11:15, then again at 2:15, and then I had to get up at 6 to work. Brutal. So that night I decided she needed to start sleeping in her crib in her own room instead of the cradle in our room. My theory is that since she wants to flip on her tummy all the time now (more on that later) she needs more room and in our cradle we prop her in the boppy because the mattress is so hard so it limits how much room she has so she wakes up when she flips over and the boppy is all in her face. Did you follow that? Bottom line, she is a tummy sleeper like her brother and is doing better (knock on wood) so far since we have made the switch. Yes, it's only been one night but still, it was a victory (slept from 10:45 til 5:25) and I will take it. We did some experimenting with not swaddling her or only swaddling her body and not her arms so she could use them when she inevitably flips over to her stomach(we still always put her down on her back) but those have all been fails so swaddled as tight as we can get her it is. But to sum it up, Reese has not been sleeping that well overnight. Still feeding at least once but usually twice a night. Naps are better. She takes several small ones throughout the day but one big one that I am so thankful for. It is usually anywhere from 2-3 1/3 hours and God bless her for that. It usually coincides with Donovan's nap or at least me putting him down, which has been a test as of late so it is wonderful. Today she slept for over 2 1/2 hours so I got an hour 45 min nap myself. It was wonderful. Keep it up Reese!
Thinking about flipping.
The view of Reese that we see the majority of the time now when she is on the floor. We have NO problem getting our tummy time in.
Notice big brother's i-phone. He knows how to use that better than I do.
Feeding: She eats about every 3-4 hours during the day and is doing much better with the Bottle. She now takes 4oz at a time pretty regularly and from what I hear, doesn't fight very much at all. She is very inquisitive so breastfeeding is becoming a challenge because she wants to see what is going on at all times so it's drink for 30 seconds, look around. Drink for 15 seconds, get frightened from a noise and look around again. Drink for 1 min, smile at mommy. Such a silly.
Playing: She is just starting to reach for toys but the poor girl's arm's look like she has parkinson's when she reaches for them still. Needs to work on that coordination a little bit more. As of Aug 24th she started rolling from her back to her front and she has never looked back. She is my turtle, hates being on her back. Diaper changes have become much more stressful now. It's like a time challenge every time. She still loves to eat/suck on her hands and burpcloths, just like her brother at this time. And also like her brother, she prefers to spend her time with you holding her, facing out and preferably, you are also standing. She is not as patient as she used to be as I believe she is starting to get bored with being a baby. I call that Donovan syndrome. She laughs daily and my favorite thing is when she laughs at something that is not Tom or myself trying to make her laugh. Lately it has been Petey doing doggy things. Just cracks up. It is so fun.
We haven't tried solids yet but we go to the Dr on Thurs so we will see what he says about that. I am not trying to rush it but if he thinks we should start trying, we might. She seems satisfied with just milk for now so I hate to rock the boat. I am interested to see how her weight is doing since she doesn't eat as well with the bottle feedings. Hopefully she didn't drop percentage that much.
In Dono news we got to go to our 3rd ER trip of his life on Friday. He stopped putting weight on his left hip and started collapsing when he would try to take a step on it. He told me his knee hurt but it was his hip that he was grabbing. He couldn't even stand up from a squatting position it hurt him so bad and he had to crawl to get to the couch and then to get his juice. This went on for 45 min. Other than whining about the pain and grabbing that hip though, he was perfectly happy. So I called the Dr's exchange and by the time they got back to me he was only favoring it a little. The Dr was concerned enough that he thought we should go to the ER. Tom was at the baseball game and luckily my sister was here to watch Reese so off Dono and I go. And I will be damned if that kid didn't walk in to the ER perfectly. Never showed any symptom or pain afterwards so we never even got any tests or x-ray there. I am taking full credit for healing him. Right after I called the Dr, I took his diaper off and looked all around, pressing on his belly to make sure it wasn't a hernia or there wasn't anything pinched or visible. I also moved both legs all around to see what type of range of motion he had and to see if anything hurt or I could feel anything weird. Nothing. But then after that, is when he was much better and only started to favor it a little. So what I think (and my Dr friend agreed) is that it was something that was tweaked a little off, like a ligament or something, and when I moved his leg all around it righted itself. So I should have waited longer to call the Dr is the moral of this story. And he has been fine ever since. So we got to go home from the ER with a diagnosis of "crazy mom" which I will proudly take because I would much rather that then something have actually been wrong with him. I love my little boogers so much.
Your reward for reading this whole post. I love that smile.
Love, love, love it! The pics are adorable