Thursday, June 28, 2012

Stinker butt

Reese is becoming quite the little stinker. Probably about a month ago she discovered that when she was mad at Donovan, she could express this by pulling his hair. Then she decided to take it up a notch and bite him. The first time she did it he cried really hard and she left a big mark on his back. Now, it is a daily occurance that she tries to bite you and usually Donovan just shouts, "SHE BIT ME!!!" instead of crying. She know's what she is doing is wrong, but she just cannot help herself. Her fuse is so short. When she doesn't get her way she still throws herself back, lays on the ground and cries and kicks her legs...but now to add to that she tries to bite whatever is close. Tonight in her multiple fits of rage, she bit petey's leash, a chair leg, Donovan, and the carpet.

I think she is so used to being picked on by Dono that now she knows she has to fight back, and it is her knee jerk reaction to any percieved slight by him or us. Last night she got mad at him for taking a toy away (I think it was), and right away she pulled his hair. So I yelled at her that we don't do that, and instead she walked over to me and bit my hand. Then I yelled at her for that and she put her face in both hands and walked away fussing. Like I am the bad guy. She is such a turd. A wonderful turd, but a turd none the less. I remember when Donovan was 1, one of his friends bit a lot and I was so thankful he never did. His friend was a second child though, and now I see why he was a biter. Those second children don't have the vocab to explain their frustration, but they do have some sharp, shiney new teeth that they need to practice with. It makes sense. So consider this your warning. If you hang out with Reese anytime soon and you plan on not giving into her every whim, you might want to dress in layers as you may get bit.

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