Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Big changes!

Turns out if you don't update the blog in a month (practically) you accumulate big things to talk about. None bigger than how big our baby girl has gotten!  There are two big updates on Reese.

Update #1. She is potty trained!!!! Home girl pretty much did it herself. Around the first week of July she started really showing some interest in wearing only underwear so we tried it out for a little and she did pretty well. By the next weekend, when we had my grandparents wedding anniversary get together, she was wearing her underwear all day and doing great! She even chose that Saturday the 13th of July at the party to poop on the potty the first time. It was pretty dang exciting. Ever since then she really hasn't looked back. She still wears diapers for naps and bedtime and has an accident several times a week but overall she is doing really well. She usually has her accidents when she is playing and having fun and we forget to ask her to go so I place the blame on us too.
Reese working on her "puter" in her big girl underwear.
Update #2. She got her ears pierced! She is such a girly girl and wanted to wear clip on earrings but those things always made her ears so red that she looked like she was gonna lose circulation and eventually her whole ear if she wore them too long.  So I talked to her about getting her ears pierced and she was game. We took her on Sunday, July 28th and made it a whole family trip.  There was a 20ish yr old girl getting her ears done when we got there so Reese got to watch that first. Then it was her turn. She sat up in that big stool all by herself just like a big girl. Then they cleaned off her ears and we made the marks where they would go and then they pierced the first ear and Reese didn't even flinch. After the second one was done she teared up and reached and asked for me but that was it. The tears were over before they could even fall!!! She was an all star! Donovan told her she was so beautiful after it and told her she looked like a "wedding girl" (aka bride since she was wearing a white dress).
These first two pictures are the before pictures. No idea why she did the weird face above.

This is the cutie in the big old chair waiting for the big event. I wish we had a picture of the whole scene. She looked like such a shrimp in that chair.

Finished product and a happy camper. She requested the biggest butterfly earrings you could get for her first earrings but her daddy and I over ruled and told her to go with something a little less noticeable since she has to keep these in for the first 6-8 weeks.

She's been really good about us cleaning them twice a day for her too. And for the most part she leaves them alone. The first night before we went to bed she asked me to take them out and the next day at Grammie's she asked her to take them out before she took a bath. I think she was just confused as we always have her take all accessories off for those events before.  Once we told her it was ok for both sleeping and baths she was fine with it.

I just can't believe how big she is getting! I blinked my eyes and now she is all grown up!

1 comment:

  1. I was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours. Started reading about the great story about your daughter getting her ears pierced.

    Your story reminded of a funny experience when we had our 2.5 yr old ears pierced and an incident where she took one of my earrings from my jewelry box.

    One day, my hubby calls out to me from the family room asking me to come in there. Our 2.5 yr had gotten a pair of my earrings and was trying to put them in her ears! She almost put one in her ear canal! Dh laughed and told me, please take her and get them pierced before we had to take her to the ER or to remove an earring!

    We took her and she did great even at such a young age because she wanted them so bad. Turns out she wanted to look like mommy! Now we try to match earrings for special occasions.

