Weight: 16lbs 13oz- 90th%
Height: 26 and 3/4 inches- 97th%
Head circumference: 17 inches- 75th%
So not so impressively massive as last month but still a big boy! Overall the doctor was impressed with his growth and development, she even said "He looks like a 6 month old." We showed her our tricks like how he rolls over (and tried to do so right off the examining table) and how he holds on to my thumbs as I lift him up from a laying position, bypasses the sitting position and goes straight to standing. She said everything else looked great too.
She also encouraged us to keep trying solids, which we had done at that point only about 4 times, none of which were that successful. Since that day we have fed him about a tablespoon of rice cereal everyday and it is going well! The first time I re-tried it was the day of the appointment and he ate all of his food, but I kind of had to trick him into it. He was not very good at opening his mouth so I would have to wait until he threw his head back and fussed and then I would shovel it in at which point he would be very happy. Thursday Tom fed him and he said he was practically diving, mouth open, at the spoonfuls of food. Yesterday was a combo of the two. Here are some pictures from yesterday. As you can see he gets pretty messy, which is why we took a bath directly after meal time was over.
The frustrating part of the visit was that the doctor basically told me needed to do major work with his sleeping and that we were doing it all wrong. I know she is right but she gives me about 3 minutes worth of advice, which suffice to say, is not enough time or advice for me to feel good about things. I just end up leaving confused, frustrated and feeling like I was leaving with more questions than I came with. So we are on day number 4 of the major Donovan sleep overhaul and it is going very well, but that is for another blog coming soon.
During the fourth month of Donovan's life he decided he needs to see more of the world, so he has said bye bye to lots of mat time, and now prefers to spend most of his awake time being held in a sitting or standing position so he can see things a little better. He still likes his jumper a lot but he loves to sit on your lap, looking out and chewing on his hands. I like it too because he is practicing using those muscles that will help him sit on his own soon. He also has perfected the cutest trick when he looks in the mirror. We call it "handsome man". What we do is, I hold him facing me, then we go look in the mirror together and I say "Who is that handsome man?" and he smiles reallllllly big and then buries his head in my chest like he is embarrassed. It is adorable and we do it multiple times a day.
He still likes his bath time but chooses to relax during it now as opposed to the major splashing he liked to do last month. He is also reaching for toys more including his favorite toys, which are his burp cloths. He just loves to chew on them. As far as eating goes, he is still eating about every 2-3 1/2 hours during the day, but that is ok with me if we start to stretch out our nighttime feedings. He has also decided that he hates binkies. Whenever you try to put one in his mouth he gets mad and yells at you. It is like he is so offended that you would even try to pass off the binky as the real thing.
I say it every month, but every minute that goes by I just love Donovan more and more and he gets more and more fun! He has such the cute, flirty personality that I am totally in love with. I am so lucky to be his mommy!
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