Item #1: Thank you everyone for your kind words after my last post (yes, I am talking about THAT post). I am doing much better thanks to a wonderful husband who took the next 2 night duties and also to Donovan who seemed to sense I was at the end of my rope and made a miraculous turn around the next few nights. After that night, Tom and I talked and decided that I was just reading too many books and that we just need to do what is best for Donovan and ourselves. If that is him sleeping in bed with us sometimes, then so be it. We will all be better for the increased sleep. That night was just not the night to be trying to keep him in his crib and he let me have it. Since then things have been much better, by no means awesome, but I think we have come to a good consensus. Life is good.
Item #2: Formula. This past week I worked fri-sun 7am-7:30pm and had 2 of the craziest days in memory. When I am crazy at work, getting away to pump isn't the easiest thing to do and since on a good pumping day, Donovan still eats more than I make, I was really starting to sweat it. On my days off I would try to pump at least once, if not twice to get enough for one extra feeding so that I could try to replenish my supply. So I have been thinking that we need to try to feed Donovan some formula to see if he would like it just in case it ever gets to a point where Tom is out of breastmilk and needs to feed him. A lot of my friends at work suggested I try it when I am there so if he didn't like it I would be a back up, and also to mix it with some breast milk so that he wouldn't spit it out or not take it since it tasted different. Little do they know that Donovan a) is a fatty and loves him some food and will eat about anything I am sure and b) even loves his nasty tasting vitamin (we call it his "treat") so Tom and I decided to try straight formula for the first try. Here is Auntie Jenna and Donovan on monday with the result.
Item #3: Today, Donovan has really found his voice and man is it fun!!! He has been "talking" for a long time now, but today, it is like he is trying to have a conversation with us. Sometimes when he does stuff during the day, he won't do it for Tom at night but that is not the case today. He has been talking, talking, talking and it is so adorable! I hope he keeps it up!
Item #4: Donovan is not ready for rice cereal. See pictures from today.
The cereal you see is everything that went in his mouth. He pushed it all out and then fussed so needless to say we will have to wait and try again soon.
Item #5: Donovan needs a training bra.
Item #6: Donovan is in this fun stage where he will sit on your lap and look out and chew on his hand and just be content. Here is my view when he does that.
Your posts crack me up! I am glad to see that your nights are going better...