She was doing "So big!" in this picture, per my request.
What she is up to lately:
Sleeping: No more swaddling! Yeay! We just put her down, awake with the swaddle blanket as her lovie and she gets herself to sleep. It is wonderful finally being done with the wrapping. The swaddle blankets are her security blankets still so she likes them when she is sleepy or snuggling and getting ready for bed. She is still taking 2 naps. Usually one long (1.5 maybe) and one short (1/2 hour). Bed time is 8:15 pm (at the latest, usually in bed at 8) and up for a feeding between 5-6, then back down until we wake her to leave during the week, or until 8 or 8:30 on the weekends. She still sleeps in. Her brother on the other hand...
Eating: 4 bottles a day, averaging around 26-28 oz milk per day. She still eats the squeezy food, just not with the same enthusiasm she did when she first discovered them. I can get her to eat baby food spoon fed from me at least once daily, but no telling how much she will let me get in. She just wants to feed herself. Her latest favorite food are the little Cuties, the tiny, kid size oranges. We break each sliver in half and she eats an entire Cutie in less than 3 minutes. Loves it. She is also a massive fan of cheese. See the video. She is also a pretty good carnivore, still loving her meat.
Teeth: Last night Reese did a face bump into her tricycle handle bars while standing next to the bike and she cried a lot harder than I thought was necessary. On a whim, I stuck my finger in her mouth and next to her one gigantic lonely bottom tooth was a second tooth! I like to think she just popped it free at that moment on her handlebar but it could have cropped up the previous day, although I doubt it because I have been on close tooth watch. So 1 month and 3 days from the date of the first tooth eruption, we have tooth number 2. Guess he missed his friend and finally decided to join the party.
Development: Reese is walking 99.99% of the time. She taught herself how to stand from a sitting position so if she falls she does not need to crawl over to anything anymore. I saw her crawl about 3 feet tonight and that is more than I have seen her crawl for the past week. She is very steady and is able to hold pick large things up off the ground and carry them around while walking. She can hurry too so that she is almost running. She has been doing the head nodding/banging thing again (she had stopped for a little while). Except now when she does it, 75% of me thinks she knows what she is doing and is saying "yes". Hence why I think it is a nod now. (As she did in the video). She has also said "kitty", which her babysitter got on film and sent me in a grainy video on my I phone but it was awesome but since that day, when she apparently said it multiple times, she has been hard to get to say it again. She says "dada" and "dah-deee" (doggy), all the time. Doggy is her official first word because she uses it correctly, like when she sees a dog or something that looks like a dog (she saw a bear on TV the other day and said it). Other than that she we have not had any other major developments this month.
Personality: Reese is becoming more and more independent and it is nice, and it is not. It is nice that she is able to play by herself and entertain herself more now. It is not when she decides that she is going to shimmy up Donovan's stairs to his bed and get into his bed, only to stand up and try to walk straight off his bed like she is walking the plank. She LOVES his bed. More than he does I think. We have to put his stairs up on his bed when we are not in his room because if we don't and we are playing somewhere else and we loose sight of her for 15 seconds, chances are she is sitting in the middle of his bed (Grammie Q found this out the hard way, Reese was not hurt but Grammie Q's blood pressure was). She also loves a soft armchair of Donovan's in his room. So basically everything that's Donovan's, she loves. She also loves being up on the couches and flopping around. Scares the be-jesus out of us but she just throws her self back and smiles and rolls around on the pillows and generally entertains herself while we are on injury watch. Overall she is a very happy baby and is so good spirited even when her brother is being too rough with her. She does have a very short fuse when she is tired, as most kids do. That is when she saves all her best screams, back arches and body rolls for. It's very dramatic.
Playing by myself. Some one needs to get this girl some more toys, STAT!
Playing on the couch, as happy as can be.
Reese makes me laugh on a daily basis. The other day I was sick as a dog with horrible body aches and I was supervising her from a horizontal position and she came over to me and blew adult sized zerberts on my leg. I laughed so hard even though I felt awful. Then another day Donovan started giving me zerberts on my tummy which also made me laugh for multiple reasons. I was laying on the ground again, and Reese wanted to get in on the action so she walked over to me, straddled my neck and sat on my chest, right below my neck. Her face looking down on me was so funny. Yesterday I was laying down again (hey, I'm noticing a pattern), and she decided to back herself up, and sit on my face, right on my glasses and forehead. I do not know what possesses her to do that, but I love it and it makes me laugh. I wonder what is going through her head. Also, yesterday we met another little girl in the subdivision that had just turned 1 and who was being pushed in a cozy coupe by her dad. They had stopped and were talking to us and Reese just walked over, pulled the door of the cozy coupe open, she put one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on the open door for balance and she put her foot in the car and tried to squeeze in next to the other little girl and pull the door shut. They did not both fit, but it was funny to watch Reese try. "Ok, scoot over. Ok, try sucking in. I need to ride in here too ok?" The other girl isn't walking yet and had no idea what to think about this litte girl trying to shove herself in to her car with her.
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