Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dono stories I need to remember

The other day on the way to daycare Donovan was telling me a story about his Grammie Q. He said:
D: "Mommy, Grammie Q went 'wheeeeeesh'(makes sweeping arm across chest, then out motion) with the roast beef."
Me: "She did what?"
D: "She went 'wheeeeesh' with the roast beef"
Me: "Oh yeah, Grammie Q throws the Frisbee. I see. You are right, she does throw it like that."

Side note that makes me laugh: he was mentioning that story because he is really into the Frisbee right now and Grammie Q told him she was good in college.

After that conversation I tried to teach him it was actually called a "Frizzz-bee" and not "roast beef".

So the next conversation we have about the Frisbee, he says, "I was throwing the fris-beef outside". So we are getting there.


Coming home from work and school one day I decided to make the executive decision that we were getting fast food for dinner since dad had plans and we were bare bonesing it in the pantry at home. So we talked about what to get, and settled on him getting some "chicken nuggies" at the restaurant in the drive through. Now for those of you not around Donovan regularly, you should know that he tells you things, you have already told him, like you had never heard it before or it wasn't you who alerted him to the idea. (As in, "Donovan, look there is a train with two engines!" Donovan: "Mommy, look, a train with two engines!) So he says to me:
D: "We are going to go get some chicken at the drive thru at the astronaut"
Which he then repeats several times as I try to realize what he is really saying which of course leads me to realize astronaut=restaurant.


On the potty training front, Donovan still has accidents fairly regularly (avg is one a day). He usually tells you when he has to pee, but it is usually either as he is going a little bit in his underwear, or right afterwards. So then we ask him why he peed in his pants and that conversation always goes like this:

Me: "Donovan, did you pee in your underwear?"
D: "Yes. (Very happily answering, nodding, as if he had done something good)
Me: "Why Donovan? Why didn't you tell me BEFORE you went in your underwear?"
D: "Because."
Me: "Because why?"
D: "Because."
Me: "Donovan why did you have an accident in your pants?"
D: (finally answering and getting to the bottom of it) "Bee-caaaaaaause...(5 second pause)....I DID!"

Also, the "bee-caaaaaause" is to be read very melodically with lots of different notes going high, low, high, low all in that one word.


Sometimes when Donovan has an accident and I don't want to put new undies on him because he is going to bed, or getting a bath soon, I just tell him he can run around with out them. And Donovan refers to this time as wearing just his "penis." The other day he peed in his underwear at a friends house and I told him we only had one change of clothes (I lied) so he couldn't have any more accidents. So he asked me me what we were going to do if he had another accident by saying, "I have to wear just my penis?"


Donovan was yelling at Petey for barking on Saturday morning and we hear this:
D: "Shush Petey. (long pause) You are annoying". Oops. Guess we need to stop telling Petey that because someone is listening.


Last Monday Donovan had his first sick day from school. He was acting a little off in the morning as we were getting ready, but only after I had him strapped in his car seat and looked back at him did I realize that he was sick. Just in time to run out of the car and around to him and catch his throw up in my hands. Being a mom is glamorous. So I stayed home with him and we took 2 naps together in my bed and by the afternoon he was much better. But I would ask him, "Is your tummy still hurtin' Donovan, or are you feeling better?" and he would pretty much tell me what I thought he was going to say, depending on how he was acting. The next morning he was totally back to normal, acting fine. We get to school and the teachers ask him if he is feeling better to which he responds (to SEVERAL different teachers at different times), "No. I'm still huhr-tin". Oh great, now the teachers think I have pushed a sick kid back to school too early. Thanks Dono.

Then wed morning we went to school to make up for the day we missed, which Donovan was all fine with until he realized he wasn't going to get to hang with Grammie Q. At which point he started screaming, "I'm still huhr-tin', I'm still huhr-tin!"

Then last night he asked us if it was a school day tomorrow as he often does by saying, "We don't have to go to school tomorrow? It's not a school day?" When we said, "No, it is a school day tomorrow," he didn't miss a beat, started looking a little pathetic and said, "I'm still hurtin mommy. I need to stay to stay home from school. I'm sick." Hookey starts early.

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