Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry belated Christmas everyone! We had a great (and tiring) one and hope all of you did as well. Donovan was so excited for it that he got up at 6:30! Waaaayyy to early for mommy and daddy so we talked him in to snuggling in our bed from 7-7:45 then we started the day. Auntie Jenna, or "Zenna" as Donovan calls her, had spent the night and we had a great morning, taking turns opening our presents and watching Donovan play with all his new toys. Donovan got a car slide tower from Santa and it was his favorite gift, tied with a new hockey goal that came with 2 new hockey sticks that Tom and I got him. This Christmas Donovan really started to finally get how to open a present. He thinks that tearing and throwing the wrapping paper all over is great! After all the opening was done we had our breakfast casserole, which Jenna makes and has become a tradition that we will have to continue.

Around 11:00 Tom, Dono and I headed over to Tom's parents to do our exchange with Tom's side of the family. Unfortunately my parents were unable to come in this year so that was sad but Tom having such a wonderful family definitely helps distract from that fact. Donovan made out like a bandit again! Tom's brother Nick and his girlfriend Anna definitely went way overboard with their gifts for Donovan. He is one lucky and loved boy! The rest of the day we spent with Tom's family including his grandmother who is 96 years old, Tom's other grandmother, and two (well one is an honorary) aunts. It was a great visit but by the end of the evening we were all feeling exhausted. We were home by 6, Tom was asleep by 7:45, Donovan by 8:20 and me by 9:30. I am sure they will only get crazier from here too! Next year we will have two little bugs to help us celebrate the holidays.

We were total slackers on pictures after we got the presents open, and didn't take a single one at Tom's parents. Shame on us. Here are a few from Christmas morning though.

Our happy family picture. Donovan was annoyed we were making him pause his playing with the new car slide. As I said earlier, it was a hit. Good work Santa.
The favorite gift. We like it too because it is not too loud and it keeps him busy.
This is Donovan's "cheese" face. When we take a picture and ask him to say "Cheese!" he usually does and this is what you see.
Sipping some juice, eating some goldfish crackers he got in his stocking. Doesn't get much better than that.

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