The weekend directly following Thanksgiving was all about Donovan and Ian getting some quality playtime. We hung out with the M family both Saturday and Sunday and the boys were so cute together. Saturday Ian brought his parents over here and they stayed for a long time and got some great quality playing in.
Donovan wanted to do or have whatever Ian did. Including his food. With the toys this got a little hairy but with the food it worked out nicely, Ian just decided to hand feed Donovan, and Donovan loved it too!
They also watched some Elmo together. Elmo is a big hit with both of the boys. Thank the Lord for Elmo. What did parents used to do without him?
The cutest part of our get togethers with Ian man on Saturday was that when we were all downstairs playing, Donovan would just randomly go up to Ian and give him a big hug! Sometimes the hugs were so big both boys would end up on the floor all tangled up but for the most part they were just good old' best friend, adorable hugs. We were not prompting Donovan for the majority of them either. He probably hugged him 10 times while playing. Of course my camera was upstairs so I was kicking myself for not getting it every time he did it again.
Sunday we went to Ian's house for a short hangout. The boys played again and it made Tom and I realize that we finally have to admit that our little boy has become a non-sharer. For so long we were so impressed and bragged about Donovan that he didn't really care if kids took his toys and was such a great sharer. Well that ship has sailed and sailed far, far away. Now he hoards toys just so Ian won't play with them. He will have 5 trucks in his arms and as Ian would reach for another truck, Donovan would grab it so Ian couldn't have it. Needless to say we need to work on our sharing skills.
So that was the fun part of past week, but now to the doozie part. Emily and John had told us that Ian had the stomach flu on the previous Sunday and that they both got it on Monday but since it was just a 24 hour bug and it had been multiple days we were not concerned about it. Monday morning Tom woke me up at 6:30 before he left for work saying that Donovan had thrown up in his crib overnight and that we needed to clean him up. Poor guy was sound asleep when we went in there but he needed to be changed because he was covered, his friends were covered (blankets and animals) and the sheets were covered in the previous nights dinner. Donovan woke up super happy when I changed him and I managed to get him back to sleep after 30 min or so but at one point he almost threw up again but managed to fight it off. That was the first time he had ever thrown up and it was probably in his sleep so when he almost did it again he looked so scared. The rest of the day was pretty good. Donovan acted normal and happy but didn't have an appetite and so he didn't eat anything all day but I was just fine with that. He did have three bouts of diarrhea in the afternoon but then he was really acting fine.
So that night (monday) around 7:15 we were playing and Donovan pulled on one of the stockings hanging on the mantle. This pulled down the heavy stocking holder right on his head and split his head open right below his hairline. He screamed, he bled, and we called the Dr's exchange and talked to our Dr who told us to go to the ER. So to the ER we went. The ER was pretty deserted, well the adult one was, but the Ped's ER was hopping. I was nervous about being there because Dono had just had the stomach bug so I was assuming his immune system was down, and there were tons of sick kids in there. I wished we could have been in a little germ free bubble. So after waiting about 20 min, they called us back to triage and they put a bandage with numbing gel on it on his owie. Then back to the waiting room for another 15 before they called us back to the room. The Dr decided to do glue instead of stitches which I was a little hesitant about because anyone who knows Donovan knows he is a bruiser and a rambunctious child and I was worried about the glue being strong enough but I thought, "She knows best". So to get Donovan still enough to do this we had to put his arms straight down and behind him in a pillow case, then we wrapped him in a blanket and then I gave him a bear hug. Then Tom held his head. Poor kid cried so hard when the Dr was messing with him I started tearing up. I felt so bad for him. Long story long, Dono got the glue and we were out of there after about 2 hours total. The Dr said not to really do anything to the site and that the glue would come off 7-10 days later. Wrong.
Sometime overnight Dono's head split back open. Aaaaahhhhh!!!! It is so frustrating because a) we subjected him to all those germs in the waiting room for nothing, b) we tortured him and messed up his schedule for nothing and c) now he is going to have a big scar. I should have gone with my gut and insisted on stitches but I am a rookie so I didn't but now I am kicking myself. We went and saw our pediatrician to see what he thought we should do next, whether it should be stitched or we should just leave it and he said once it opens up just leave it. Plus it is right at his hair line and he said as he grows it will grow into his hair. But still, frustrating!
Anyways that was unfortunately not the end of our doozie week, over night on monday/tues Tom started with the stomach bug (vomiting, diarrhea) and then at 7am I started too. It was awful! We were both laid up and pathetic and it would have been impossible to care for Donovan that day so like the angel she is, Tom's mom came and took Donovan for the day so Tom could recoup and I could continue getting sick. We both had to call in sick that day too. By the end of the day Tom was feeling his normal self but I was on knocked on my butt through wed. The other unfortunate thing was Wed was Tom's birthday and we had a babysitter (my sister) lined up and everything so that we could go to dinner and we had to cancel since I felt so bad still. Dono and I did manage to bake Tom a cake and Donovan helped me decorate it with sprinkles. And by help decorate I mean he ate the sprinkles and put his fingers in the icing. Here are the pictures of that after I had moved the cake out of arms reach.
Finally on Friday we got back to having fun and had a few friends and family over for Tom's birthday celebration. We kept it to small to close family and friends that we had already exposed our germy selves to in case we were still contagious. We had pizza, presents, cake and good company. Of course Ian man was there are we did manage to get some shots of the boys taking turns hugging each other. Too cute! And you will notice they were wearing matching jammies. Once we saw what they had brought for Ian to wear we couldn't help ourselves putting Donovan in his matching ones.
And that is what we have been doing this past week. I hope this next one is much less eventful!
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