Friday, September 11, 2009

Like father like son: A Halloween preview

Several years ago Tom bought a man sized chiken suit for halloween. I had no idea at the time how much use he would get out of it but here we are 3 years later and it is still being worn. This past weekend when my parents were in town, we happened upon this adorable chicken suit for Donovan and we could just not pass it up. Here is the little chick and his daddy preparing for Halloween fun!
I make this look good!

The Chick checking himself out in the mirror.

He loves it!

My boys. I am so lucky!


  1. Adorable! I definitely laughed out loud when seeing the dad & son chick pictures.

  2. Those chicken pictures of TQ and DC are awesome. EQ, you need to put on the Col. Sanders garb for a family pic.
