Friday, December 18, 2009


Donovan has been quite the mover and shaker nowadays. Now that he can crawl, he has decided that he needs to explore everywhere and taste everything. (I mean everything- air vents, rugs, electrical cords, shoes, dog food, etc.) And man is he fast! I will be making something in the kitchen and he is on his blanket, then 20 seconds later I hear him in the dining room and then another 20 seconds goes by and he is by the front door. To anyone who has not been to our house, it is a pretty long way. I would say a quarter mile in baby length. Also, for those of you that have been to our house, you maybe thinking "The front door is right next to the basement stairs, please tell me you are not letting that child crawl around unsupervised around the stairs." Well rest assured people (mom and dad) we have installed a very sturdy gate at the top of the stairs so we are definitely breathing easier now.

Now that he is such an expert crawler he has set his sights much higher. He is now pulling up all over the place. His favorite things to pull himself up on are our ottoman and his mommy and daddy. He thinks that we are there for his playing entertainment. We are to be used as his ladder, trampoline, chair, it varies really, whatever he is feeling at the moment. Ever since he began crawling he has been back to his happy self. The 2 plus weeks of crabby Donovan was just when he wanted to be crawling but wasn't quite there yet. Happy Donovan is 1,000 times more fun than crabby Donovan so I hope that happy Donovan is here to stay.

On a health note poor Donovan has a cold. He had his first official cold a little more than a month ago. It consisted of a little bit of sneezing and a lot of snot but thankfully not much else. However, it lingered FOREVER! It lasted 2 and a half weeks. Then one day it was gone and he was better. Then the next day I heard some congestion, the next day more and the day after that, BAM! Worse cold. So we were cold free for one day then walloped with a worse one. That one really hit hard this past Monday so we are now 5 days into it and there is no sign of it going away any time soon. I am hoping that is goes away before Christmas, but I am not holding my breath, that is for sure. This time there is just a little bit of sneezing, but a ton of congestion and nasty snot. He does not act like it bothers him, that is until you have to wipe his nose. Then he screams and thrashes around like he is being murdered. I fear that if I wipe his nose in public, someone might call child services on me for child abuse strictly as a result of hearing his reaction. And poor baby has such a red nose and red cheeks from all the wiping and snot. I have been putting Vaseline on his checks, nose and above his lip for the last few nights before he goes to bed and it seems to be helping a little.

To end this post on a good note Donovan is also quite the giggler lately. He loves to be bounced, spun, thrown in the air, and pretend dropped. Anything dare devilish, he loves and laughs, laughs, laughs. We love it!

Oh and here are some pictures of what Donovan has been doing lately...
Playing with doggy toys. In his defense, they do look a lot like his toys.

And playing (and attempting to sample) Petey's food.

Since this picture was taken we have relocated Petey's food and water to a more secure location. Donovan found that location today. Dang.

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