Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Laumeier Sculpture Park

This afternoon some powerful storms blew threw the area and cooled everything down nicely. So we took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked around Laumeier Sculpture Park. We had a great time watching Donovan explore and walk most of the time (as opposed to just being pushed around in the stroller). He stuck to the paved walkways until he saw a robin and then he sprinted into the grass to get that bird. It reminded me of when I was a kid and all I wanted to do (or so my parents tell me) was chase birds. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I also noticed today that every airplane or bird that flew overhead got Donovan's attention. He would point and "talk" about it until it was out of view. Very cute.

Walking around like a big boy.

In front of one of the more popular sculptures.

Handing daddy mommy's sunglasses so he could help Dono put them on. (His new thing is to walk around and wear my sunglasses for a few minutes at a time. He needs help getting them on still though).

A little crooked but who cares.

That's better.

Dang that robin is just too fast!

And the perfect dinner, according to Donovan, to end the day is Five Guys french fries. MMMMMMmmmmmmmm! (Don't worry he doesn't eat this kind of stuff often)

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