Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New business

I have some new Donovan business to discuss. Let's begin.

1) Yesterday Donovan popped his 6th tooth. It is on the R lower side. He acted no different. Not crabby, not drooly, not snotty. We have it good in that department.

2) Donovan loves to wrestle on our bed! He climbs up Petey's step and throws his upper body onto the bed excitedly until he either manages to boost himself up on the bed or someone else does it for him. Then when he gets up there he sits and smiles and bounces until someone tackles him. Then the wrestling and tickling commences and lasts until he lets you know the fun is over. I tried to get some video of it the other day but as soon as he saw the camera that was all he wanted and happy-fun wrestling was done.

3) When Donovan is happy (for example he is on the bed being wrestled with) he sometimes does what I can only refer to as "happy feet". He sits with his legs in front of him and then kicks, kicks, kicks them in the cutest manner.

4) Donovan knows how to brush his own hair! Jenna and I were dressing him after his bath on Sunday and he was playing with his toys and picked up his brush, and brushed his hair with it! Attempted to brush is more like it as the bristles were facing out but I was amazed he just knew what to do with it. Then same thing today, a brush was in the toy box so when he picked it up he "brushed" his hair again. Then even more impressive was he did it with a comb that I don't use very often so I was happy that he put the association together there. The cutest part to me about him brushing his hair is that he does it without even glancing at you, all nonchalantly like "Oh here's a brush. I guess I gotta brush my hair" not "look how smart I am, I brush my hair!"

5) His second official word that he uses appropriately (first is Petey, who is every dog) is "light". Or "ight" as he says. He is very stingy when he says it. You have to say it about 5 times while pointing at a light before he does and he only occasionally performs but it still counts.

6) Donovan is a runner. Tom said today that now when he has to chase him outside, he actually has to chase him or else you cannot keep up.

7) He likes to brush his own teeth. And he loves his toddler toothpaste. You just put a tiny bit on, brush his teeth for him for real for a few seconds and then he insists on taking over. That usually consists of him chewing and sucking on the toothbrush but occasionally I catch him shaking his head like he is actually brushing his teeth. Could be a cute coincidence but I think he is mimicking what we do to him and how we brush our own teeth.

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