Saturday, August 18, 2012

15 month update

Miss Reese is getting to be so big! She is finally over her drama baby phase and it is so much fun (for the most part on the last two facts). She is talking so much, and doing so much big girl stuff. She had a 15 month dr's visit yesterday and her stats are as follows:

Weight: 22lb 2oz (approx 35% percentile- daddy forgot to ask for this so I had to look it up myself)
Height: 31.75 inches (approx 75%)
Head circumference: 19 inches (no idea %)

She is still wearing size 4 shoes, still only has a mullet, wears size 3 diapers, wears clothing ranging from 6month (tops) to 18 months (bottoms for length but 12 months for waist), and only has 4 teeth. We call them her beaver teeth and we love them (see below in a picture that Donovan took).

She is only taking sippy cups now. We cold turkey-ed her off the bottle about 3 weeks ago. She still prefers her milk warm but really has done well with the bottle transition. She still takes 2 naps, ranging from 45min to 2 hours. Goes to bed around 8:15pm and is up for the day at 6:15-7. She is getting more and more independent and showing that she wants to try using utensils and feeding herself, (see below pictures).

The biggest change has been her level of understanding and her communication skills. She takes direction well and will do what we ask with requests like, "put this in the hamper" or "can I have a kiss?", or "go throw this away." About 4 weeks ago it was practically overnight and she was saying words! A LOT of words! She shocked us and has just kept on going with her vocabulary. This is a list of words she knows how to say:
Dono (Nah-no), Petey (tee-tee), mommy, daddy, grammie (Mi-mi), Paw-Paw, puppy, neigh-neigh (means horse and also is what a horse says), shoe, ear, eye, mouth, nose, up (she says "Up-E" for "up please"), hi, bye, night-night, ball, baseball, water (wah-wah), bottle (bah bah),bubble, thank you (tai-too), no (and is "NO, NO,NO!" while she waves her finger and shakes her head), baby, hop, pop, raspberry (I swear, although it doesn't sound exactly like that of course), cheese (both the food and before you take a picture of her), ah-choo, choo choo,pee and poo. I am sure there are more. I will update this blog as I remember them.

She also will tell you what a puppy says (ruff ruff), horsey (neigh), cow (mooo), sheep (BAAA), snake (ssssssss), and bee (pfffftttttt-that one is my favorite, she basically blows a raspberry).

She knows the following body parts and will point them out to you: Belly, toes, feet, arm, leg, head, hair, mouth, tongue, eye, ear, belly button, hands, and feet.

She is trying to put her own clothes on, including socks, which are her current obsession. She loves high socks and will often seek out her brothers stinky used socks and ask someone to put them on her. She is getting better about reading and her favorite book is "mo, ba, la la la" and all the animal picture books she has. She loves pictures of horses, cats and dogs especially. She loves her neigh-neighs. We have also been taking a lot of wagon walks and she loves going on those and sitting in there with her brother.

She still can throw a mean fit, still bites and hits when she is really mad (although not as much as she was), and still prefers her mom over her dad. I am ready for that phase to be over. I am tired. She wants to yank me around by my finger and show me things. My favorite thing she does right now though (other than the beaver teeth chomp we ask her to do), is smell her own shoe, wave her hand in front of her face and say "Poo Poo!" (her version of pee yew).

This is Reesie snuggled up with Grandma after a bath, playing on her Ipad. She is getting better and better at the Ipad and loves playing it with her brother. She really likes making funny faces with him and taking pictures of it.

 This is what Reese gets to do at her daycare, Ms. Amanda's. That is her boyfriend Nick.

Playing at the park in my mermaid jammies with Ms. Amanda.

Taking a choo choo ride with her boyfriend.

Awesome bed head picture from a day at Grammie Q's house.

A picture we took of ourselves one day that she was playing with my phone.
She is just such a fun little spitfire. We love her so much and are so happy she chose us as parents!

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