Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Past weekend

We had a great and busy past weekend. Saturday Donovan's best friend Ian (and his parents) came over to play. The boys played together alright but at this age it is really just an excuse for us parents to get together and hang out. Unfortunately I didn't get the camera out until both Ian and Donovan decided that they wanted to be in Emily's lap at the same time so it is the only picture I have of our get-together.

Then as out friends Tim and Katie who were in from Denver came over for a visit and a slumber party. They have a 10 month old named Kaitlyn but she was at her grandma's so the little boys didn't have her to fight over. So as we were hanging out and visiting the big boys somehow got the idea that they wanted to shave Petey. I never thought they would actually follow through and do it and since he is a dog and dog hair does grow back I agreed. Turns out they were not joking. These are pictures I took of him today. We think he likes it. It's a nice summer cut for him if you will.

Here is a picture of Tom and Tim, dressed alike you might notice. Or if you didn't, now you do. Tom did that on purpose. Silly boy.

Then on Sunday Tim and Katie had some family stuff to do but later they came back over and brought Kaitlyn for a visit. Unfortunately Donovan and I were walking out the door to go to a baby shower so the two didn't really get to hang out for a long time but we did manage to snap a few pictures of the meeting. We already have an arranged marriage for the two so we will be showing these pictures in their wedding slide show (Donovan does have a couple girlfriends right now but we didn't tell Kaitlyn that). As you can see from the pictures, I think they are already pretty smitten with each other.


  1. I'm not sure about Petey's new haircut (and I'm sure you can tell why). On the other hand the kids sure are adorable!

  2. Kate I know exactly why, and thanks for the laugh! If you felt him though I think you would like it, he is so soft!
