Monday, April 30, 2012


 Reese is such a crack up right now. She is doing this new thing that Tom and I call "FEATS OF STRENGTH!" (you have to shout it with authority when you say it). She thinks she is a big, strong girl so she wants to show you, may times a day, by picking up and carrying heavy things. Like her new wagon that she got at her birthday party.
She is not content to pull things around, or lift one corner up. No, no. This girl must dead lift everything. Other things she tries to pick up: her activity table, Donovan's bathroom stool, Donovan's scooter, a lawn chair, a play drum, a play tool set, my mom's tennis shoes, Petey's full food and water bowl and many more. Then she tries to walk around while holding them. So Tom and I have taken to shouting "FEATS OF STRENGTH" everytime we see her pick up something that is way to big for her. It's a fun game because we get to say it a lot and it gets more dramatic everytime.

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