Sunday, July 11, 2010


One of Donovan's latest words he mastered this week is "Up". I love is because he says it so well. His enunciation is spot on and he uses it correctly. He really pronounces the "p" part of it, especially when he has said it once or twice and he feels that you are not honoring his request. In that case it sounds something like this: "Up" (pause) "uP" (smaller pause) "uPPPP", usually followed by an adult picking him up to obey his command. Friday he pointed to his toy box and requested "up". So I put him in his toy box. Apparently he wanted to be in there so he could get a better angle on the trucks that he pushes in front of the tv. Then when he was trying to get a truck that he was sitting on, wow did he get mad in a hurry. This kids frustration meter goes from 0 to 100 very fast.

Playing in my toy tub.

"I want this truck but it is not coming!!! I can't muscle my way through this one and I am MAD!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't he know what his shirt says?
    He is sooooo darling.
