Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Holding the baby

I mentioned in my previous post that we had some of our friends over on Friday. Kris, Lynn and baby Penelope came over for dinner and a short hang out (turns out kids really cramp your style as far as get togethers go). I really wanted to get some pictures of Donovan and Penelope together since we have seen them several times and have not gotten more than just a couple. I also wanted to see if he would pay any more attention to her this time. The three times before that we have hung out Donovan was oblivious to her, that is unless I was holding her and he wanted to be held. Then he wanted me to get whatever it was in my arms out so he could be there. But other that, he really showed no jealousy towards her. Friday was much of the same at first. But then Lynn was holding Penelope on the couch and we called Donovan over and said "Donovan, look at the baby". He knows what babies are but he doesn't understand what a Penelope is yet. So then he was like "Oh yeah, I do want to see that baby". He crawled right up next to her and petted her head very nice and gentle. Surprising all of us actually. I have never seen him be gentle in his life but he was. Then I asked him to give the baby kisses and he gave her nice, closed mouth kisses on her head. So sweet! Of course he was getting lots of attention and praise as he did it so I am sure that didn't hurt his behavior. After a few minutes he got bored and tried to use her head as a stair to get over the back of the couch but my mommy reflexes were ready for it and I caught his foot about an inch from her face. Before all the novelty of the "baby" wore off and before said baby got fussy we propped those kiddos up for a photo shoot.

It takes lots of adults and supervision to make the photo shoot work. Donovan not sure he likes this thing leaning against him.

"Oh hi baby? When did you get here?"
Just about to give the baby "kisses".

Big boy and little girl.
" Ok enough pictures already. I'm outta here. Scuze me, thing in my arms way." Photo shoot over. Sorry Penelope.

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