Tuesday, August 24, 2010


On monday after Dono got up from his nap I needed to finish something so I turned on PBS channel to find something to entertain the little man for a few minutes. It was "The Electric Company" which we have never watched before. Donovan is more of a Sesame Street or Bob the Builder kind of guy. Well this one clip got him giggling so much; I had never even heard him giggle watching TV before. So I rewound the show and played the same clip and he belly laughed again. Then I rewound again after Tom got finished changing his clothes and he did it again. Finally the fourth go around I grabbed the camera and got his laughs on film. He was pretty laughed out by that time but he still gave it a good giggle. I love it when he really gets tickled by something and this was one of those things. By the way, if you ask me, the clip he was laughing at wasn't funny in the least but he sure thought it was.


  1. Wowsers, I laughed at him so hard I had tears in my eyes, hee lar ious!! Also the way he was laying on the couch made me laugh!!

  2. Love it! Little Dono made me laugh just from watching him laugh.
