Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Day Reese Got Mad At Paw Paw


So my mom watches the children three times every week for us. On Mondays she has just Reese out at her house, on Wednesday she comes to our house and watches both kids and on Fridays, the kids' favorite day, she watches both of them out at her house. On Mondays and Fridays my dad usually comes home for lunch so he can visit with the kids too.

Now we all know grandparents and how they spoil their grandchildren. And that's exactly what Paw Paw had in mind one Friday afternoon several months ago when he came home from work. He had scored a super sweet 18-wheeler truck from work that he knew Donovan would love. So at lunch break he came home to visit, have lunch and give Donovan his new truck. See below:

Dono was pumped. He loves this truck. I mean look at it! It's so sweet! The doors on the trailer open up for storing what else? More cars! It makes noise and it's huge. It's everything a three-year-old could possibly want. One problem, it's NOT everything a one-and-a-half year old could want. In fact, in Paw Paw's excitement to give this radical gift to his grandson, he had forgotten about his granddaughter.

I don't think this was by any means malicious, I just think he was under the impression that she either wouldn't notice or wouldn't care.


After the gift was presented to Donovan, Reese refused to even make eye contact with Paw Paw. And the more he called her name and tried to get her attention, the farther she craned her neck in the opposite direction.

When I showed up after work to pick the kids up, my mom was telling me this story and I kind of thought she was embellishing it a bit. But then my dad showed up. We were out back and Reese was swinging in her swing while Dono was running around. When Paw Paw came out of the door, Reese immediately looked in the opposite direction.

Paw Paw called, "Reese! Reeeeeesssse!" and she continued to crane her neck away from him. This girl was upset that she did not get a super awesome new toy like her brother did! What a little diva!

Well Paw Paw learned his lesson and he and MiMi spent their Saturday afternoon that weekend driving around trying to find a hippo for Reese (her favorite) so she could have a toy when she came back on Monday.

What a good Paw Paw.

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